Retirement - Live the life you work for!

Did you know many Australians will spend 20+ years in retirement?

You have worked hard, now its time to have the lifestyle you have always wanted. The first piece of advice... get advice early!

It is never to early! Have you hit the big 5-0? Well its definitely time to consider and put plans into place for your retirement, but where do you begin?

elderly couple with daughter and dog on couch
elderly lady planning on phone

There are so many things to consider before retiring;

• Timing

• How much money do you need to fund the lifestyle you want without working?

• How do you pay for retirement?

• Can you access your Superannuation?

• What is the Age Pension all about and do you qualify?

• Do you have any debt?

• Are you just cutting back hours or are you leaving the work force entirely?

• Tax consequences - what are they?

• What will you be doing to keep busy during your retirement and what do these hobbies cost?

• Planning a new car? Holiday? Renovations? Worried about unexpected expenses?

You do not need to know all the answers to all of these questions - that is why we are here! We want you to sit back, relax and enjoy, after all, it is the reason why we have worked as hard as we have.

older man planning with computer
three generations dancing in kitchen

It is essential to understand and plan what happens once you retire to ensure you live comfortably without fear of the unknown. At Dare, our goal is to nut to all out and present you with a plan that is attainable and ensures the very best outcome.

Why wait? Plan early and realise your goals. Get in touch with us to discuss your retirement.

Let's have a chat and start achieving your goals

Want us to get in touch with you? Fill out this form with your details and we will be in touch with you shortly!