Aged Care - Planning future care is important.

Whilst the conversation may not come easily, it is important to have a plan in place if you or a loved one will possibly need looking after in old age.

The thought of planning a future after retirement can be a daunting conversation to have, however, the financial elements associated with planning for aged care can be confusing. Our accredited planner can guide you every step of the way to navigate what can be seen as a bit of a minefield - but it doesn't have to be!

elderly lady with nurse
older lady getting dressed by nurse

The options are endless, from retired independent living communities, to end-of-life palliative care, and specialist facilities. Also there is a growing number of in-home services that enable you to stay in your own home for as long as possible. These services allow regular visits from nurses and other medical professionals, as well as transport services, grocery and services for other day-to-day need such as washing and cleaning. So with this being said, where do you start?

At Dare, we recommend that you do some general research and find out what's available and what course of action you may wish to take. Think about these options, where you want to be located, as well as costs involved.

We will check your eligibility for whether or not you will be able to access government funded services or if you will need to access privately run services. We consider whether or not you will be caring for someone else and if so how you want to manage this care and what services are available to you as the carer.

We will also help you through any legalities such as what will happen to your affairs in the event that you pass away and we will assist you in considering the option of appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney.

elderly people stretching in a class

Our goal is to take the hard yards out of what can be a confronting conversation. We will listen, understand your concerns and ensure that the plan put into place suits you or your loved ones future needs.

We understand the sensitivities involved in making these arrangements but we are here to talk you through everything you may need.

Let's have a chat and start achieving your goals

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